onsdag den 24. juni 2015

Stop, and smell the selfie stick

This does not have much to do with Italy. But I am going to tell it anyway.

A few days ago, I was standing at a this beautiful sight near Rome. It was an old volcano, now a big lake which- according to the rumors - has no button and is full of mysterious creatures. Indeed an intriguing place. The lake was surrounded by mountains, where green trees were blooming, birds chapping and the smell of fresh flowers and mountain air gave the feeling of new beginnings.
And there, by the edge of the lake, I saw a couple. Standing close together in a romantic moment - Holding a selfie stick.
I got captured by this couple, who walked around at the end of their selfie stick, who guided them to go here and there and back again. Smiling, making faces, kissing and looking happy for the selfie stick camera. They seemed completely oblivious to the beautiful surroundings they were in, but were instead focused on giving a great show to the camera and their social media audience. Their behavior in that moment seemed completely controlled by exterior forces. Did they even ever stop to enjoy the romantic moment that were actually happening between them. Or was it all just for show and likes? Who cares if you even like each other or enjoy each others company if it LOOKS good?

And - with the fear of sounding like an old fart, who hates new technology, I have to say this - Haven't we become strangers to our own world, when Social Media influence us to behave in this manor? Put the selfie stick down and smell the flowers, people! When did it become more important to live for other peoples "likes" than to actually live and experience the moment, that you will later put a filter on and expose with a couple of hash tags?

We are yet to find an appropriate balance between enjoying the moment and wanting to share that same moment in return of peoples approval. But more importantly, we need to find the balance of NOT dragging other people down with us, if we are one of those infected with the need to put a filter on everything. So if you find your self in the need of wanting to take a picture of your self and create a nice picture-moment for Facebook, please do not drag me into it. I am yet to find a polite way to say, "Get that camera out of my face" when people lean in and want to take a selfie with me in it. Looking ridiculous is not a stranger to me, but at least let me choose when it should be thrown in the face of the public. Because when you hold that camera up, I need to make face where I look like I am having fun with my friend, and not want to throw my beer and run away and I am forced to face if the public approve or not. How many likes are enough likes for us to look back at that moment with joy?

Even if you don't include me in the picture, when I ask you to not involve me in your staged behavior, please don't then hand the camera to me and ask me to take a picture of you, where you look kind of casual, kind of sexy, but not in the obvious way, but maybe kind of casually handsome so that the person you really want to see the picture will be intrigued.

Stop. Just stop it.

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