In a country that obey religion, a great part of the culture will be shaped in the name of God and those who preach his definition of the rigeous path. First off there is the common commandments of being good to thi neighbour, don't drink and drive, remember to call your mom, and those things. But there is also a number of cultural believes that I have learned about and that I still wonder about. Obviously it is the abstinence from sexuality. No toughing, no nothing, no matter how good it feels, unless you are doing it only to procreate (Honey, lets re-populate the Earth). Thus the rule says, that you can not be with women until it is time to procreate. But there is a loophole. Litterally. Because if you dig into the subtexts of this rule, it even specifies which entrances that are holy and which are not. If the entrance does not lead to a baby coming out in return, before marriage, you are safe to go. Get it? At least this is how many people practise intimacy, when they still want to be rigeous, but not so much that is kills all the fun. Now, I get why the guys don't walk the streets with signs of protest over this. But why, oh why would the young generation of women - with access to all the information and science in the world, agree on these terms?
There seems to me a massive misinterpretation between the actual preaching, in the name of God to live a life full of love to others, and when these high reaching ideals is being outlived by humans, full of flaws and all. 75 % of Italians say, to belive that there is a God. And that this God is defined as in the Chistian Catholic Church. I am not saying that they are all stupid, but they are all stupid. Believes are based on old myths and stories created and modelled over time for some people to gain while others, and most, lose. Look at those magnificent churges carved in gold and diamonds and tell me again how the church prioritize the poor.
The most extreme of religious myths I have seen recently is the Vagina Dentata (They also made a movie about this - totally top five must sees) A myth that tells the story about some women who are born with vaginas full of teeths strong enough to bit the hand of a full grown man. The point was to scare men into having sex with non-religious women and prevent rapings. But it must have been a lady with one strong squeezing muscle to have started that myth, back in the days. A woman who took the daily, tighten up your yo-ho, a bit too seriously. And the punisment - men get affraid of your muscular vagina and you get burned for being a witch.
In what ever way this myth started, it led to a various of brutal killings, as most religions does. Mostly pointed toward the women of course, as there had yet to be reportings of a deadly penis.
So the day to day practising of the catholic christianity is mirrored by this, amongst other myths. Just saying (while point fingers of you 75 %) I don't mind at all the practising of religion that involved food, but if you have ever practised sodomism (or eaten bad chicken in Africa) you will know that this is not a sacred place.
What is your opinion on this matter? Leave me a comment!
Interesting! Why don't you increase your research to flowers, or at lest give Zizeks analysis a listen about why flowers should be forbidden to children